Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paper Thin Skin - How to Thicken Your Skin and Bring Back Its Youthful Strength and Flexibility

Paper thin skin is a real thing.

It isn't just your imagination: After years of aging and lack of the right nutrients, your skin really does get thinner and thinner. The fat under the skin is lost. Much worse, you lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, all essential to a healthy complexion. Oxidation damages and ages your skin.

Here is an explanation of how it happens, and how you can thicken and rebuild paper thin skin.

What you notice first

If you have been saying, "My skin is paper thin," you have probably had a series of bumps, bruises and scrapes. Your skin bruises at every little bump that most people would hardly notice. (Sometimes you can't even recall getting a bump, but you have a nasty bruise anyway.) If you scrape your knee even a little, your skin peels away as if you had a major accident.

This isn't just a problem of appearance. When your skin is this delicate, it is also easily infected, and takes much longer to heal. You may well need medical care for a wound that would hardly bother someone with healthy skin.

What causes the problem

The problem is skin aging. That does NOT mean simply getting older. Some people get super-thin, easily wounded skin long before middle age. Often this is because of long-term use of medical steroids. Generally these drugs are given because of a chronic health condition.

Regardless of the contributing factors, aging skin has specific causes -- and passing time is not one of them! Fortunately, all the most important causes of aging skin can be reversed.

Supplements can help your skin and your overall health, too.

Look for a supplement that contains at least 30 mg of SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) and at least 50 mg of Carnosine. SAMe is a wonderful nutrient involved in a key process called methylation; Carnosine stops glycation, which destroys healthy proteins, including collagen and elastin; Carnosine also has the unique ability to halt glycation which has already begun.

The other supplement that has a powerful record for skin health and repair is omega 3 fish oil. A just-introduced omega 3 fish oil contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, and a lycopene extract. The lycopene complex in this oil has been shown in clinical trials to actually thicken skin, add density, and dramatically reduce scaling and roughness -- both very common in aging skin.

Skin care lotion or cream

Several ingredients in skin care lotion or cream have a proven clinical record of reversing the causes of aging skin. They can thicken and toughen skin and renew its flexibility, month after month. Here are some of the best:

-- Cynergy TK stimulates the skin's own natural production of collagen and elastin. It increased new skin cell production by 160 percent and improved skin elasticity by 42 percent in trials with human volunteers. It also reduced inflammation and had powerful antioxidant qualities.

-- A seaweed extract called Phytessence Wakame allowed the skin to rebuild its hyaluronic acid levels. In trials, it did this by blocking 52 percent of the action of an enzme that degrades hyaluronic acid.

-- If the product contains Coenzyme Q10 in tiny particles, often called a "nano-emulsion," it can penetrate the skin deeply. In general, other forms of CoQ10 are not well absorbed. With natural vitamin E, CoQ10 makes perhaps the most powerful antioxidant combination in healthy skin.

See my website for more on toughening and thickening paper thin skin.

Kathryn Lane is a longtime health and nutrition researcher. The best skincare products she has found have never been the most expensive or the most heavily advertised. Her website names them:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Foods For Increase Testosterone Production

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. This hormone controls the sexual activities including libido, in men. Besides, the hormone has other vital activities too. The basic chemical composition of this hormone includes steroids which have significant physiological as well as psychological functions in men, especially the adult ones. Most of the libido pills available in the market contain steroid as the fundamental and functional ingredient.

The production of testosterone starts getting reduced as men attain the age of thirty. As they get older, the production of testosterone gets deceased gradually. As a result of gradual reduction in the level of testosterone, men suffer from a number of physiological and psychological conditions such as lack of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, acute depression, fatigue, low energy level and insomnia. Men suffer from these conditions mostly at their middle age. Men who are suffering from these symptoms must start taking libido booster or testosterone food.

There are some foods that help amplifying the production as well as secretion of male sex hormone or testosterone. Such foods are known as testosterone foods. Such foods are generally rich in the mineral, named zinc. Testosterone foods are often regarded as aphrodisiacs or natural libido booster.

Testosterone foods are good resource of zinc. They help to boost testosterone production and thus lessen intensity of low-testosterone symptoms. Studies have revealed that consumption of testosterone foods on regular basis enhances the production of testosterone as well as human growth hormone and also increase the sperm count in men. Some must-know facts about testosterone foods, also considered as natural libido enhancer are being discussed below.

Oysters - Oysters have been best known for its zinc content. For years, oyster has been regarded as an effective sex enhancer or aphrodisiac. According to researches, these foods are rich in natural zinc, the mineral which helps increasing testosterone production, immensely. People suffering from low libido or reduced sexual drive or low sperm count must add oysters in their daily diet.

Red meat or animal proteins - Animal proteins especially red meat are another good source of zinc. Wild game, roasts, steaks, lamb chops are really good for men, who want to retrieve their lost sexual drive. These libido enhancement foods or testosterone foods are not so expensive and convenient to buy and cook. One can easily find such foods in the market.

Poultry - Poultry foods are also good source of natural zinc. Chicken, goose, duck and turkey, all of them are rich in zinc and thus act as good libido enhancer. In fact, poultry birds and red meat make up the zinc requirement of most of the Americans. Wild birds such as pheasant and quail are also good testosterone foods, but they are subject to availability.

Milk and dairy products, as well as dairy products such as cottage cheese and yogurt, are very good resources of zinc. They are considered as excellent testosterone foods or natural libido enhancement foods. One should add milk and other dairy products in his diet in order to get lost libido back.

Check out Libido Supplement and Natural Libido Enhancer tablets here at