Saturday, April 28, 2012

Microcalcifications and Early Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast calcifications are calcium deposits inside breast tissue. They emerge as white spots or flecks on a mammogram and are typically so small that you couldn't feel them.

Breast calcifications are widespread in all women and are even more common after menopause. Though breast calcifications are typically noncancerous (benign), particular patterns of calcifications - like tight clusters with irregular shapes - might point to breast cancer.

Cancer Reduce

The two major kinds of breast calcifications are:

Microcalcifications and Early Signs of Breast Cancer

- Macrocalcifications. They come out as large white dots or dashes on a mammogram. Macrocalcifications are nearly always noncancerous and need no additional follow-up.
- Microcalcifications. They come out as extremely fine white specks on a mammogram. Microcalcifications are typically noncancerous but could sometimes be a sign of cancer.

Where and How Often Do Calcifications come out?

- macrocalcifications show up in roughly 50 percent of women over 50, and 10 percent of women under 50 years of age
- macrocalcifications are typically not troublesome and won't need a biopsy
- 80 percent of microcalcifications are benign
- microcalcifications could assist identify ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

A microcalcification is an increase of calcium in one spot. They are widespread and most women will have a few on their mammogram at some point in time. The majority of them are benign. A good number of women do worry regarding them, though - maybe since they haven't been given a complete clarification of what they are.

When should you worry? First, don't be frightened if you have microcalcifications since the majority women DO have them at some point. The doctor will take a look to observe if they warrant additional examination.

This typically happens when the microcalcifications are new, clustered firmly together, and comes out when magnified to have unusual forms. Rather than spherical, they look similar to grains of salt with irregular edges. This could be an early sign of breast cancer, most frequently non-invasive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS or stage 0 breast cancer).

Microcalcifications couldn't be experienced on clinical exam or your own breast self-exam. They do not harm. This is the value of mammography - it finds them long prior to they could move forward into an actual lump.

Most of the time, suspicious microcalcifications will be biopsied by means of a stereotactic method that enables the doctor to pin down their location and take away a sample consequently it could be examined by a pathologist. The intention of removing tissue by means of this method is not to get rid of all of the microcalcifications but to obtain a representative sampling accordingly a diagnosis could be completed.

Microcalcifications and Early Signs of Breast Cancer

If you want to get some excellent resources on Breast Cancer, please visit my site on All about Breast Cancer or Microcalcifications and Breast Cancer

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How to Make Watermelon Salads and Sandwiches

Brief overview of how well watermelon blends into your favorite salads and sandwiches. We'll walk through a Classic Stacked Sandwich as well as's recipe for My Favorite Vegetable Casserole. All of our recipes at feature fresh watermelon. Try some watermelon in your favorite salad or sandwich (with or without the tomato) today! You'll get a burst of the antioxidant lycopene as well as vitamins A and C.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fenugreek - Fights Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity

Although fenugreek seeds are used extensively in the recipes of countries in the Middle and Far East, in the West it is not as well known as many other spices.
Not only does fenugreek impart a characteristic flavour and tang to food but it also has several very important disease preventing characteristics.

In traditional medicine, fenugreek has been used to treat a number of conditions including diabetes, sore throats, and in poultices used to treat sores and abscesses. Recent investigations into the medicinal properties of this spice suggest it is important not only as a preventive for chronic diseases such as diabetes, but also for enhancing normal physiological processes, especially with respect to athletic

Prostate Cancer

As with most spices it contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as apigenin,
genistein, kaempferol, quercetin, rutin, selenium and superoxide-dismutase. It also contains compounds such as trigonelline that has shown to prevent the degeneration of nerve cells in neuro-degenerative diseases.

Fenugreek - Fights Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity

Medicinal properties of fenugreek

Cardiovascular disease and blood lipids

Fenugreek has a strong modulating effect on blood lipid levels and can substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. In diabetics, who usually suffer lipid imbalances, it has demonstrated a remarkable ability to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels while raising HDL levels. Another property of fenugreek is the reduction of platelet aggregation which, in turn, dramatically reduces the risk of abnormal blood clotting associated with heart attacks and strokes. Like most spices, fenugreek also contains many important antioxidants and has the added benefit of protecting other dietary and internally produced antioxidants from free-radical damage. This has important cardioprotective benefits, as well as helping to fortify the body against a range of other chronic conditions.


Fenugreek, which has comparable antidiabetic potency to cinnamon, is one of the most valuable spices for the control of glucose metabolism and thus the prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes.
Owing to its many properties it helps in the prevention and treatment of diabetes in several ways.

Working in a similar way to the common antidiabetic drug glibenclamide, fenugreek lowers cellular insulin resistance and controls blood glucose homeostasis. It has been shown to lower blood glucose levels of Type II diabetics by as much as 46 percent.

It also increases the levels of several important antioxidants and reduces the damaging oxidation of lipids associated with diabetes.

As an added bonus, fenugreek seeds are a very rich in a type of dietary fibre that modulates post-prandial blood glucose levels by delaying the absorption of sugar in the intestines. This mucilaginous fiber also reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol from the intestines thus providing additional protection against heart disease and obesity.


Fenugreek is also effective against diabetes-related cataracts which occur commonly in diabetics. The enzymes that control glucose uptake into the lens of the eye do not function normally in diabetics and, as a result, glucose and its metabolites, fructose and sorbitol, accumulate in the lens tissues. The lenses of diabetic patients are also prone damage by enzymes that would normally protect against destructive free radicals, and a combination of these factors leads to the gradual opacification of the lens known as a cataract. As fenugreek has been shown to partially reverse both the metabolic changes in the lens and to reduce the density of the cataract, it is likely to be even more effective as a prophylactic agent against cataract formation in diabetics.

Alzheimer's and other neuro-degenerative diseases

Fenugreek contains the compound trigonellene that has shown to stimulate the regeneration of brain cells. This property has stimulated further research to see whether it can help in the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.


One of the greatest difficulties facing athletes who compete in endurance events is maintaining a readily available supply of energy in the body. In order to achieve this, muscle carbohydrate stores, in the form of glycogen, must be continuously replenished. In an event lasting more than one-and-a-half hours, glycogen stores become depleted, and for the remainder of the event the athlete has to rely on external sources of energy, such as high carbohydrate drinks, which are inferior to glycogen as an energy source. Post event re-synthesis of glycogen is also very important, and the two hours immediately following prolonged exercise is the crucial time for this process to occur.

Fenugreek has been shown to have a strong effect on glycogen replenishment; increasing post-event re-synthesis by over 60 percent in some endurance athletes. While its effects on glycogen re-synthesis during an event have yet to be tested, fenugreek is likely to exhibit a similarly beneficial effect during, as well as after, exercise.


Fenugreek is one of the richest sources of phytoestrogens and is thus a very useful spice for women who have low oestrogen levels. Phytoestrogens are also thought to help protect against certain types of cancer, and fenugreek may well be proven to have anti-tumourigenic effects should this property be investigated in the future.


Fenugreek is one of the richest sources of selenium, which is among the most important antioxidant micronutrients. When consumed regularly, selenium appears to have a protective effect against a range of cancers, including those of the colon, lung and prostate. Recent evidence also shows that selenium helps to prevent the progression of HIV and other chronic viral illnesses.

While other spices like chilies and cinnamon hold the culinary and medicinal headlines, the research into fenugreek is showing us that this spice has health benefits on a par with, or even superior to, those of the better known spices.

However it is important to appreciate that synergism between different spices enhances the bioavailability and efficacy of their respective bioactive compounds. Therefore, to obtain optimum benefit from fenugreek, it is important to use it with other common spices in both the prevention and treatment of disease.

Fenugreek - Fights Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity

Keith Scott is a medical doctor who has a special interest in nutritional medicine. He has written several books on health related topics including Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power Of Spices and Natural Home Pharmacy. For more information about the medicinal properties of fenugreek and other spices go to:

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Skin Cancer Prevention: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from UV Rays

Skin cancer prevention measures can actively reduce your chances of developing skin cancer if you implement them in your daily routine. The most common form of cancer in the United States, tens of thousands of Americans contract skin cancer every year.

Skin cancer comes in three forms: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Of the three, melanoma is the most dangerous and life threatening. Skin cancer claims the lives of approximately ten thousand Americans on an annual basis.

Cancer Reduce

What causes skin cancer?

Skin Cancer Prevention: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from UV Rays

Overexposure to ultraviolet sunlight (UV rays) is believed to be the dominant external factor in a person's development of skin cancer, although genetic factors can play a role. To protect yourself from UV rays, you should take the following 5 steps for proper skin cancer prevention:

1. Avoid Direct Sun Exposure: Avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight during midday (generally from 10am to 4pm). This is the time when UV rays are most intense. Plan your schedule to avoid outdoor activities during these hours. Also, be aware that sand and snow reflect sunlight, so if you're at the beach or a ski resort, direct sunlight can bombard you from every direction with UV rays.

2. Cover Yourself: When out in the sun, keep your skin covered. Wear long-sleeves and long pants if possible. Wearing a hat with a 3 to 4 inch brim all around is preferable. This will guard your neck and cheeks from dangerous prolonged exposure. Also note that dry, dark-colored garments offer the best protection.

3. Use Sunscreen Properly: You should always use sunscreen when enduring prolonged exposure in the sun. Find a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor of at least 15 and read the directions for proper application. The higher the SPF, the higher the protection you will receive against dangerous sunburns. However, sunscreen does not offer "bulletproof" protection, and UV rays can penetrate water, so just because you feel "cool" in the water doesn't mean you're protected from sunburn.

4. Use Sunglasses That Block UV Rays: Making certain your sunglasses can block UV rays helps to guard your eyes from serious sun damage. The best constructed sunglasses should have a UV ray absorption rate of 99% to 100%. Never assume that darker lenses equal increased protection. UV rays are blocked by a chemical applied to the lenses. This chemical has nothing to do with the color of transparency of sunglass lenses.

5. Stay Away From Tanning Beds: It is a myth to believe that tanning beds and sunlamps are free of harmful UV rays. These cosmetic instruments might make your skin more attractive in the short-term, but they can significantly increase your risk of developing skin cancer in the long-term. Health professionals advise their patients to avoid them.

By implementing these 5 steps in your daily routine, you can significantly decrease your risk of developing skin cancer, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle that allows for proper exposure to the sun. Another important step in prevention of skin cancer is routine examination by a doctor. If skin cancer is detected early, then your odds of survival are markedly increased.

Skin Cancer Prevention: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from UV Rays

Britt Gillette is the author of a website where you can learn about Himalayan Goji Juice and other interests of the author.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

8 Ways to Naturally Reduce Inflammation

As with every problem nature seems to provide us with easy ways to solve it. Recently, we have been hearing in the news about the impact inflammation can have on the body. Inflammation has been linked to numerous diseases including, Alzheimer's, kidney disease, Parkinson's, uterine cancer, allergies, respiratory disease, heart disease, hypoglycemia, breast cancer, high cholesterol, degenerative arthritis, colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, Crohn's disease, and osteoporosis.

Finding ways to reduce chronic inflammation in your body can lead to a longer, healthier life and reduce your risk of contracting these diseases. Here are eight simple things you can do right now to naturally reduce inflammation and start feeling better today.

Cancer Reduce

1. Eat more wild seafood and increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. I know it sounds basic, but it's true. Increasing the amounts of fruits and vegetables you eat particularly the dark greens can dramatically reduce inflammation in your body. Meals high in bright colored vegetables contain fiber and natural anti-inflammatory properties. When choosing seafood try and select varieties that are wild over farm raised. If you have to choose farm raised look for organic. Salmon is your best bet but stick to the wild variety. Farm raised salmon is feed a diet of rich corn meal that can actually increase inflammation. Try to stick with fish from the Pacific and avoid the Atlantic varieties that contain higher levels of mercury and PCBs. Dr. Perricone has written a wonderful book, The Perricone Promise, where he outlines a very livable anti-inflammatory diet.

8 Ways to Naturally Reduce Inflammation

2. Get those essential fatty acids (EFA's) into your diet. One of the simplest ways to tame chronic inflammation is to add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet and luckily it is easy to do. Adding a handful of nuts and seeds to your diet can boost your intact of omega-3s. The best choices are walnuts, ground flaxseed as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds. Avocados and darkly leafy greens also are good sources for omega-3s. Mixing a salad with a tablespoon of Grapeseed oil can insure you get your daily dose of omega-3s. You can also take a fish oil supplement. Look for brands that contain wild fish oil and low levels of mercury. If you are a vegetarian you can try algal sources or flax seed oil.

3. Get the refined sugar and carbohydrates out of your diet. I know, I know, it's convenient, quick and easy and it sometimes even tastes good, but it's got to go. Refined foods have no place in a healthy diet. They need to be reserved for special occasions and treats only. Refined foods are not only loaded with preservatives, dyes and chemicals but they can cause inflammation to flare up leading to increased symptoms and allergies. The average person really only eats about 20 foods on a regular basis. We tend to be creatures of habit and eat the foods we enjoy over and over again. With just a little thought you can easily find healthy alternatives to your greatest offenders. If you absolutely love lasagna don't cross it off your list forever. Try spelt or rice pasta with ground turkey. If you would rather give up your car then your chocolate, believe me I can relate. Switch to dark chocolate, 60% cocoa or higher is best. Check the ingredients, no high fructose corn syrups or funny stuff. With a little creativity and thought you can keep you favorite foods, quell your inflammation and feel fabulous.

4. Look out for foods you might have sensitivities to, these can cause chronic inflammation in the body if left untreated. The most common ones are wheat, eggs, gluten, dairy, soy, and nuts. Eliminate them from your diet for a few weeks and then introduce them back in one at a time. See if you notice any changes to how you feel, such as headaches, foggy thinking or bloating. If you find an offender avoid it at all costs and look for substitutes to replace it with. If you find you have a problem with dairy try soy or almond milk.

5. Add a high-quality daily multivitamin. Emphasis on "high quality". A poor quality vitamin is really just a waste of your money. They are indigestible and pass through you body without even stopping to do anything nice for you. If you can find it try a liquid vitamin. They have absorption rates 10 times higher then pills and capsules. Life Force International makes a wonderful product called Body Balance. If you are already taking a multi vitamin have a look at the folic acid and B vitamins in the brand you are using. These vitamins seem to play a role in lowering inflammation though the medical community it still uncertain as to just how they do it. Other vitamins with anti-inflammatory properties are Vitamin C, D and E.

6. Consider adding a little Mangosteen to your life. In the past few years a new medicinal fruit has been introduced into the United States and it is holding great promise for the reduction of inflammation, promoting a healthy respiratory system and strengthening the immune system. Apparently the rind of the fruit has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. Western medicine is beginning to give the little fruit some serious attention for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The fruit is pulverized and added to juice to create a nutritious drink. A few ounces a day is all that's needed to reap the benefits of this little purple fruit.

7. Go out and play! You've heard it a thousand times, I'm telling you again. Stress is a killer and can derail all the hard work you've been doing to get your inflammation under control. Once and for all get rid of that stress in your life. Take a little exercise find something that you actually like doing. Tennis, walking, gardening, swing dancing, pogo sticking, it doesn't matter just move your body in a way you find fun that you will enjoy doing on a regular basis. If it's a chore and a hardship you're not reducing your stress just adding to it. Breathe deep, practice yoga, look into meditation, forgive all those people that drive you crazy. Yes, even that guy who cut you off on the freeway. If chronic stress is a real problem in your life consider investigating biofeedback or therapy. Also people with a regular spiritual practice of some kind exhibit lower levels of stress. Look into mediation centers, synagogues , churches even a early morning walk once a week just to reflect on how good you really have it can make a profound difference in your stress levels and can help get cortisol, the stress hormone, under control.

8. Sleep it off. The perfect inflammation reducing technique. You need an adequate amount of sleep each night to give your body time to heal from the stresses of the day. Don't underestimate it. Napping also reduces inflammation. It is also a fantastic excuse for switching off the phone in the middle of day and decompressing for 10 or 15 minutes. Remember the more hours you sleep before midnight the better. Getting to bed by ten and waking at six will do better for your body then getting to bed by one and sleeping until ten.

So there you have it, a simple, easy and natural way to reduce your inflammation. By reducing your inflammation you can reduce your risk for the fatal five; heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and lung disease. More importantly you'll feel great and you can put a little life back in your life!

8 Ways to Naturally Reduce Inflammation

I am a full time writer and playwright and certified health nut. I have fully recovered from two chronic, incurable (supposedly), illnesses using natural, holistic methods. I now write articles about the techniques I used so that I might help others. My articles are for information purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Please visit me at []

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chlorine and Cancer: What Can a Water Filter Do for You?

Every day, cases of cancer are rising in astounding and unprecedented numbers.
While medical professionals work tirelessly to find a cure for this most deadly of
diseases, the numbers of terminally ill patients continue to climb. Although the
cure for cancer continues to elude medical professionals, it is completely within our
own power to protect our families and ourselves and to reduce our risks whenever

In recent years, individuals have begun to seriously examine known carcinogens and
to protect themselves from these cancer-causing agents. Sunscreen has become an
important defense against skin cancer, and its use is on the rise. The number of
smokers attempting to quit rises each day, precisely because of new information
about the carcinogenic nature of cigarettes.

Cancer Reduce

The increase in such protective behaviors clearly indicates an increased interest in
protecting oneself from cancer risks. Still, droves of people continue to use and
drink unfiltered tap water, not knowing about or not believing in the insidious
nature of this substance. Whether we like it or not, the water that emerges from our
taps, however pristine it may appear, is filled with carcinogenic compounds. A
simple water filter can now serve as a valuable safeguard against cancer.

Chlorine and Cancer: What Can a Water Filter Do for You?

Chlorine and Tap Water:
Untreated tap water is filled with such dangerous contaminants as nitrate, arsenic,
microorganisms, and chemicals from pesticide runoff. Once this water reaches a
municipal treatment plant, many contaminants are removed. However, one of the
most dangerous contaminants is actually added to drinking water as a part of the
treatment process.

Chlorine, added as an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, is also a
known poison to the body. It is certainly no coincidence that chlorine gas was used
with deadly effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War. This gas was known
to severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled; it is no less
powerful when ingested by mouth. Each day, as we use unfiltered tap water, we are
effectively pouring bleach into our water before we drink it.

This poisonous chemical, accompanied by its byproducts, is now known to cause at
least three types of cancers, among other serious health problems. The U.S. Council
of Environmental Quality recently released a report stating that the risk of cancer is
93% higher among those drinking chlorinated water than among those not drinking
chlorinated water! In the following paragraphs, you can read about the specific
cancer risks of chlorinated water and learn how to protect your family and yourself
from this insidious poison.

Bladder and Rectal Cancer:
Chlorine has long been known to be a leading cause of bladder and rectal cancer.
Once in water, chlorine interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes
(THMs). These THMs are particularly harmful to the body when ingested. When
taken into the body, THMs encourage the production of free radicals. These free
radicals proceed to destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Because so much of
the water we drink ends up in the bladder and/or rectum, ingestions of THMs in
drinking water is particularly damaging to these organs. THMs cause innumerable
cases of bladder and rectal cancer each year.

Bladder and rectal cancer occur when malignant cells, often created by THMs, infect
the inner tissues of the particular organ. Once they have taken hold in the bladder
or rectum, the malignant cells can isolate themselves in the infected area or they
can spread to infect other areas of the body, potentially causing more deadly forms
of cancer. Each year, 13,000 new cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed in women
while 37,000 new cases are diagnosed in men. Of these 50,000 new cases each
year, slightly more than 20% of individuals will die from the disease. For rectal
cancer, more than 40,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and approximately
55% of those individuals diagnosed will die from the disease.

Ironically, one of the best means of protection against these two types of cancer is
drinking plenty of fluids. However, drinking larger amounts of contaminated water
only exacerbates the risk.

Breast Cancer:
Breast cancer is the newest type of cancer to be connected to ingestion of
chlorinated water. Breast cancer affects one out of every eight women in the United
States alone, and it kills approximately _ of its victims.

Recent research has linked this deadly cancer to a buildup of chlorine compounds in
the breast tissue. In a shocking study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut,
researchers found that "women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of
organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without
breast cancer." While chlorine can make its way into our bodies in several ways,
there is no means of access more common or more frequent than the ingestion of
common, unfiltered tap water.

A Simple Solution:
One preventive solution to these three deadly cancers could not be simpler. If
chlorinated drinking water is a leading cause of cancer, then the obvious method of
reducing one's risk of cancer is to refrain from drinking chlorinated water. We
cannot choose whether or not to drink water, but we can choose the type of water
we allow into our bodies.

Municipal water treatment plants add chlorine to water to help make it cleaner and
more pure, but once that chlorine has performed its function, there is certainly no
reason for it to continue its deadly presence in drinking water. A simple home
water filter removes chlorine and its byproducts from drinking water, producing
clean, pure drinking water that can also serve as a useful protection against cancer.
Water filters are one of the only methods of water purification capable of removing

So, what can a water filter do for you? The answer is simple but extremely valuable.
A water filter can protect an individual from cancer, one of the deadliest killers of
the 20th century.

Chlorine and Cancer: What Can a Water Filter Do for You?

Vanessa Lausch serves as a technical writer for the Aquasana Store,

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Monday, April 16, 2012

All About Milking the Prostate

Prostate cancer is a disease that affects only men. It is a cancer of the prostrate gland, which is found in the male reproductive tract, and is not present in the female body. All men who are in their fifties or older may be at risk for developing prostate cancer. It is one of the leading causes of death by cancer among men; in the United States, prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer in the number of male fatalities caused every year, according to the National Cancer Institute.

However, prostate cancer often goes undiagnosed in its early stages, mainly because it often does not present any symptoms in those who have it. A lot of men who have prostate cancer never get the therapeutic care that they require, and eventually they die from it. If you are concerned that you may contract prostate cancer in the future, you might want to seek out preventative treatments that can lower your risk of getting it. Let us take a look at one of these possible preventative treatments: prostate milking.

Prostate Cancer

Milking the prostate is a technique of stimulating the prostate gland by hand or implement, causing it to ejaculate seminal fluid. In the hand method, someone must insert their fingers in your rectal area in order to milk the prostate. (It is difficult to milk the prostate by yourself, so it is usually done by a partner or a medical professional.) Milking the prostate is also termed by some people as "prostate massage."

All About Milking the Prostate

Here is how it is done: One person must pull on a latex glove, add a little water-based lube on the fingertips, and carefully insert them into your anus. The fingers must feel inwards and upwards, roughly in the direction of your navel, until they are touching the prostate gland, which feels like a small, round bulb of tissue roughly the size of a walnut. At that point, the prostate gland can be massaged gently by rubbing one's fingers back and forth against its sides, being careful not to rub vigorously on its central area where there are sensitive nerves. After a while, the massage should bring about an ejaculation of seminal fluid, often accompanied by sexual stimulation or orgasm. Ejaculation will not always occur, however.

Milking the prostate is not recommended as a method for cases in which the prostate gland is already diseased or has acute prostatitis, since a massage could cause the disease or infection to spread to other areas of the body.

All About Milking the Prostate

Learn about The Therapeutic Benefits of Prostate Massage [] and find related tips and information at []

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate - Can I Reduce Enlarged Prostate?

Enlarged prostate is the most common problem. It is so common that it has been said, "All men will have an enlarged prostate if they live long enough". It is not life threatening nor is it cancer; however, if left untreated it can lead to more serious health problems such as urinary retention, bladder stones, urinary infections or kidney damage. This condition is often called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or benign prostatic hypertrophy. Treatment is determined by the severity of your symptoms. You will need a medical examination and a PSA test to establish if there are any cancerous cells around. Once cancer is ruled out, there are a variety of options. I also want to outline some of the natural remedies for enlarged prostate towards the end of the article.


Cancer Reduce

Surgery on this delicate gland can result in problems such as impotence and/or incontinence. The actual cause of the condition is unknown. After taking a complete medical history, your doctor will perform a digital rectal exam to feel the gland. The urologist may recommend medication which lowers levels of hormones produced by the prostate, reduces the size of the gland, increases urine flow rate, and decreases symptoms of BPH. The choice of a specific surgical procedure is usually based on the severity of your symptoms and the size and shape of your prostate.

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate - Can I Reduce Enlarged Prostate?

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate

You may, with your doctor's advice consider herbal supplements. Many herbal prostate supplements with saw palmetto oil, one of the top 10 herbal remedies in the world used for prostate conditions, can significantly improve symptoms. In fact, herbal remedies for prostate enlargement frequently combine these herbs along with saw palmetto. BPH is known to improve with nutrients such as Beta Sitosterol, Lycopene, Campesterol, Selenium, zinc and Uva ursi. Cod liver oil and borage oil are also useful. A diet rich in fibre and a clean colon will contribute enormously to a healthy gland.

Homeopathic Remedies

Let us look for a moment in more detail on one of the most popular natural remedies for enlarged prostate. This is a homeopathic remedy. One of the ingredients used to give great relief is called Cubeba especially where there is a tight feeling after unrination. Chimaphila umbellata can help when there is retention of urine and there are also urgent and frequent cases of a desire to go to the bathroom.

When you look for a homeopathic remedy, make sure that the facility is both FDA and GMP approved. The ingredients used should all be listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). these are guarantees that very few companies can offer.

So, there you have it. You can now make a choice. You can either go on with your uncomfortable existence where you spend too much time in the bathroom. The second option is to take action to change all that.

To help you with the latter option, I have prepared a website which gives more details on natural remedies for enlarged prostate.

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate - Can I Reduce Enlarged Prostate?

Robert Locke writes on Men's Health.
For Breaking News on how to reduce enlarged prostate visit this site for some surprising facts about prostate health.

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Healthiest Foods You Can Eat

Would you like to know what the healthiest foods to eat are? We gathered a list and you might even find a few of your favorites there.

The list of foods below are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that carry many benefits for your body. Here is a list of the healthiest foods to eat.

Olive Oil
Olive Oil is rich with antioxidants while protecting you against heart disease by controlling LDL, which is bad cholesterol levels and raises your HDL, or good cholesterol. Olive oil has so many health benefits that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows olive oil producers to put a heart-healthy claim on their labels.


Apricots have a lot of beta-carotene which helps to protect your eyes and may even help to ward off some kinds of cancers. One dried or soft apricot contains 17 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram of fiber.

Avocados contain an unsaturated fat called Oleic acid, which helps to lower your overall cholesterol and raise levels of HDL or good cholesterol. One slice of an avocado has 81 calories, 8 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber.

One medium sized mango has powerful antioxidants that help to prevent arthritis and they also boost your immune system. A medium mango has a whopping 57 MG of vitamin C, which is almost your entire daily recommended dose.

Raspberries are high in fiber and have a lot of vitamin C. Raspberries contain a lot of Ellagic acid, which is known to help stall cancer cell growth. One cup of raspberries is only 60 calories, 1 gram of fat and 8 grams of fiber.

Cantaloupes are loaded with vitamin C and are packed with beta-carotene antioxidants that help protect your body's cells. Half a melon contains 853 MG of potassium, which is nearly twice as much as a banana, and it also helps to lower blood pressure. Half a cantaloupe contains 97 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber.

Tomatoes contain Lycopene, which is one of the strongest antioxidants known. Researchers have found that tomatoes can help cut the risk of bladder, stomach, and colon cancers in half if you eat one daily. One tomato contains 26 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram of fiber.


Onion have a powerful antioxidant called Quercetin, which can help to protect against many types of cancer. A cup of onions has 61 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber.

Broccoli has Indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, which helps protect against breast cancer. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene as well as a lot of vitamin C. A cup of chopped broccoli contains 25 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber.

Spinach contains carotenoids that can help fend off macular degeneration, which is a major cause of blindness in older people. One cup contains 7 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram of fiber.

Grains, Beans, and Nuts

Peanuts as well as many other nuts contain mostly unsaturated or good fat and can lower your risk of heart disease by as much as 20 percent. One ounce of peanuts contains 166 calories, 14 grams of fat, and over 2 grams of fiber.

Pinto Beans
One half cup of pinto beans has more than 25 percent of your daily folate requirement, which protects you against heart disease. Half a cup of pinto beans contain 103 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 6 grams of fiber.

Skim Milk
Skim milk offers vitamin B2, which is important for good vision and along with Vitamin A that could improve immunity to allergies. You also get calcium and vitamin D as well. One cup contains 86 calories, 0 fat, and 0 fiber.

The bacteria in active-culture yogurt helps prevent yeast infections while the calcium strengthens your bones. It's recommended that you get plain yogurt and mix in your own fruit to keep the calories and sugar low. One cup of plain yogurt has 155 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0 grams of fiber.


Cold Water Fish
Cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. You have probably heard that omega 3 fatty acids help to reduce the risk of cardiac disease. A 3 ounce portion of salmon contains 127 calories, 4 grams of fat, and 0 fiber.

Crab is a great source of vitamin B12 and zinc which boosts your overall immunity. 3 ounces of crab has 84 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 0 fiber.

The health benefits of eating these foods are enormous and they are some of the most healthiest foods on the planet.

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This article is supplied by "Fat Burning Secrets". Discover simple yet powerful changes that can have a major effect on your weight loss results with this free report at: Free Fat Burning Report

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prostate Cancer Scale - The Diagnosis Gleason Scale and What it Means

The treatment of prostate cancer varies depending on what stage the cancer is at. The Gleason score is a scale given to the tumor which helps decide the best course of action. Other factors involved in the decision of treatment include age of the patient and their physical and mental health condition.

The Gleason scale is a number given to the tumor, where the lower the score the less likely the cancer will spread to other part of the body.

Prostate Cancer

A Gleason scale score or 6 or less means that the cancer is not likely to spread around the body.

Prostate Cancer Scale - The Diagnosis Gleason Scale and What it Means

A Gleason scale score of 7 means there is a reasonable chance of the cancer spreading around the body.

A Gleason score of 8 or more means there is a good chance that the cancer will spread around the body.

Once a Gleason number has been assigned, then the doctor or specialist will recommend the best course of action, although the final decision for treatment always lies with the patient. Treatments range from "passive watching ", to "active watching" and then onto actual treatment such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and Brachytherapy.

The cause of prostate cancer is still not known at this time, although treatment has been getting more and more successful over the last twenty years. If the cancer has not spread to the bones, then it can often be treated successfully. However if it has spread to the bone then it may not be curable, and treatment will revolve around prolonging life. the prostate cancer scale known as the Gleason scale provides a method to determining the correct treatment for the patient.

Prostate Cancer Scale - The Diagnosis Gleason Scale and What it Means

Are you worried you have prostate cancer? Do you have prostate cancer and want to learn more about it? To find out more about prostate cancer, please visit Prostate Cancer Info

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Monday, April 9, 2012

What Happens When the Prostate Gland is Removed?

If you have found that you have prostate cancer and have to have it removed, you obviously want to know what happens when the prostate gland is removed. A lot of the results will vary with the severity of the cancer and with the age of the patient. There are some common things that you can expect though after the operation regardless of the circumstances.Once the doctor has removed your prostate, he/she will have to attach your urethra and sphincter to your bladder. Initially, this may cause you some control difficulties regarding your ability to control your bladder, but that should return after time.

You should prepare yourself for this and discuss things that you can do to control this problem with your doctor. More than likely, your therapy will involve different techniques to strengthen this area and allow you to regain control of your movements.For some older men, you may have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection after this procedure. There are a lot of nerves in this area and if they were damaged during the surgery, this is a common outcome. The older you are, the more likely you are to have difficulties. Regardless, you will find that your ejaculations will not be as strong of have as much fluid as they did prior to the operation. If you find that you are impotent after the surgery, you will have various options to help you get through this if is you are still sexually active.

Prostate Cancer

If you are just having problems with your erections, medications like Viagra may be the solution. If you have become totally impotent, there are various devices and surgeries that are an option to help you to obtain an erection and enjoy sexual activity.Be prepared for a short hospital stay after the surgery. In most cases, you are out in well under a week. Once you get home, you will have about a month of recovery and if everything is successful, you should be back to normal after about 2 or 3 months.

What Happens When the Prostate Gland is Removed?
What Happens When the Prostate Gland is Removed?

Prostate Gland Cancer provides articles and resources on the prostate. Check out the latest article at Prostate Gland Online

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How Sex Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Many people keep asking whether sex can really help to prevent prostate cancer. This article looks into it and examines how and why sex can help in the prevention of prostate cancer or not. But of course - before you take any advice in this article, ensure that you consult with your doctor. Your doctor holds the final advice because they are the experts and they ought to know more about you to give you the right health advice.

It's somewhat true that sex can help in the prevention of this condition. It's really simple, if you look at it closely. The fact is that the prostate has to be in good health to prevent prostate cancer. The enlargement and unhealthiness of the prostate is what usually contributes to this disease. It goes without saying, therefore, that keeping the prostate healthy and clean as much as possible will help prevent prostate and even other types of cancer.

Prostate Cancer

If you are wondering what has sex got to do with keeping the prostate healthy and clean - keep reading. You see, the more you engage in sex, you kind of "clean out" your prostate. By having sex and ejaculating, you are "cleaning out" your prostate and this can help, somewhat, in preventing this disease.

How Sex Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Even though all of the health and prostate cancer experts haven't accepted that sex can really help prevent prostate cancer, but lots of them opine that it can. But whether or not it can prevent prostate cancer, it really doesn't hurt you to engage in healthy sex as often as you can. Note that I said - healthy sex - and that is sex with one partner or safe sex.

How Sex Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Find out very interesting tips and guides on Masturbation and Prostate Cancer as well as other helpful articles and hints on Sex and Prostate Cancer from these links. You will also learn how ordinary folks like you survived prostate cancer and become Prostate Cancer Survivors.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

How To Have A Healthy Prostate

It is advisable for all men to have regular prostate check ups once they are over 40 and to do all they can to maintain a healthy prostate. This is even more true for men with a history of prostate cancer in their family as 40%s are linked in this way and the risk doubles if a brother is, or has been, diagnosed.

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system and its main function is to produce seminal fluid for semen. The first symptom men notice is when the prostate begins to enlarge and there is usually an inability to pass urine. This occurs when the growth presses on the urethra, the tube that carries urine, and blocks the flow. The doctor will usually carry out a test for prostate specific antigen (PSA), a substance present in the blood that is used to identify men at increased risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Many men over the age of 45 experience some amount of prostate enlargement, but may live symptom free though with some resulting in urinary difficulties. If left untreated it can result in urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones, incontinence and cancer.

How To Have A Healthy Prostate

Simple Tips to Keep The Prostate Healthy

Regular annual checks are a must and adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in unsaturated fats, sugars and processed foods is a sensible strategy. Avoiding chemical exposure where possible by eating an organic diet will also help as research has flagged up a warning on pesticides and growth promoters in agriculture from as early as 2007. Although these tests were on animals the first series indicated "alterations in the structure of the testis and epididymal (a part of the male reproductive system) region as well as in the serum levels of testosterone and estradiol, with changes in the expression of androgen receptors restricted to the testis." Current French research has found that, even at very low levels, exposure to the Monsanto's herbicide formula Roundup was responsible for causing severe endocrine disruption that reduced testosterone levels by 35 percent.

A simple and effective tip to maintain prostate health is to perform Kegel exercises to improve circulation and this is done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat this movement 10 times and at least 5-6 times daily - no one will know you are doing it!

Herbal help has been used for centuries for men suffering from prostate enlargement and there are many combinations but the most popular include saw palmetto to relieve testicular inflammation and inhibit oestrogen, the hormone responsible for prostate enlargement

The herbs nettle, pygeum and hydrangea have also been show to be effective for relieving symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Damiana has a long history of helping balance the body's hormones, nettle is a natural diuretic and hydrangea supports the urinary system, where it is know to promote the overall health of the prostate gland and help to reduce inflammation and swelling. Antioxidants are also helpful, particularly the A.C.E combination of vitamins A,C, E with selenium as they help to protect these sensitive tissues from oxidative damage.

The Role Of Progesterone

An essential hormone for both men and women, its levels remain constant in men until they are over 60. Men produce it in their adrenals and testes and it is the precursor of adrenocortical hormones and testosterone. As they age, men's progesterone and testosterone levels drop and oestrogen levels rise and they normally produce 5-15 mgs of progesterone a day. This is secreted on a regular basis, unlike in women where it is cyclical and related to the menstrual cycle.

Men as they get older have a tendency to produce less testosterone and more di-hydrotestosterone, which seems to have an over stimulating effect on cells. Progesterone could have the effect of neutralizing the di-hydrotestosterone, which would thus help to maintain testosterone levels. It is also thought that progesterone may have an effect on the genetic coding of some cells, and in this prevents the development of abnormal cells.

The drop that occurs in progesterone levels in men is important, as we know it has a protective effect against the stimulating effects of oestrogen and testosterone. It does this by first acting directly on the progesterone receptors that are present in almost every tissue of the body and secondly by competing for receptors with testosterone.

Although very little research has been done into the effects and role of progesterone in men, it is clear that a whole range of health problems can be addressed using this hormone and specifically in helping to maintain a healthy prostate. Research is lacking in this area, but there are interesting anecdotal reports of reports from patients with prostate cancer which has been diagnosed both by blood test and biopsy. These patients have found that, as a result of using natural progesterone for about a year, the levels of PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) in their blood have decreased to normal levels.

Keeping a healthy prostate requires an all-round approach in which diet, exercise, lifestyle and good hormone balance all have a role to play.

How To Have A Healthy Prostate

AnnA is an author and speaker on health and personal development with a particular interest in hormonal health. She is the editor of a dedicated information website on all aspects of hormone health and for more information and articles for both men and women, plus expert views from doctors and health professionals familiar with natural hormone usage and prescribing, please visit

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Food For Good Prostate Health

The prostate gland has a reputation as a health destroyer. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland, which affects nearly every elderly male, strangles the urethra. This troublesome condition makes urination difficult and increases the risk of bladder infections and kidney damage.

However, there are many good foods that may already be a part of your everyday diet that can help thwart the onset of prostate problems.

Prostate Cancer

Tomatoes, watermelons, red grapefruit, papaya and red berries are all great sources of lycopene, a health-promoting plant pigment known for its cancer-battling ability. It also promotes a strong immune system and helps support prostate health in men.

Food For Good Prostate Health

Though fresh are always an excellent option, the lycopene in cooked tomatoes is actually absorbed more readily by the body. It is also your ally in the battle against heart disease.

Quercetin, a flavonoid that forms the backbone of many other flavonoids, may have positive effects in combating or helping to prevent many different types of cancer, including prostate. It also acts as an antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful in relieving the pain of an inflamed prostate.

Foods rich in quercetin include apples, black and green tea, onions, raspberries, red wine, red grapes, citrus fruits, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables, and cherries. Quercetin can also be found in honey and sap, including the type from eucalyptus and tea tree flowers.

It is vital to remember to get a healthy balance of foods to keep your prostate healthy, including antioxidants, vitamin E from nuts and seeds, and drink plenty of clear fluids to help flush the bladder.

Try to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods. Keeping your weight in check will also help maintain a healthy prostate.

Food For Good Prostate Health

Learn the truth about prostate cancer treatments. It is very important for you to be as knowledgeable about prostate cancer as you can be.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

One Man's Journey 1

Prostate Cancer and the African American Male, Al Brown describes his journey through prostate cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment options. Including side effects of surgery, radiation, hormones and watchful waiting.